All Saints, Bedworth Marriages 1756-1812

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This file is an index to the marriages in Bedworth, All Saints from 1756 to 1812

The data is extracted from LDS film number 555455

Currently the following transcription is online:

1876 - 1884 This Index full listing Full Listing

Kindly supplied by Carole Eales


Akers, Alderidge, Allen, Allsop, Allum, Anderson, Andrews, Arch, Archer, Armisheer, Asbury, Ashbyshaw, Ashley, Ashly, Ashton, Ask, Atherington.

Bailey, Bales, Ball, Banford, Barfoot, Barkby, Barns, Barrot, Batcheldor, Bates, Battey, Battkin, Bawdycote, Beasley, Beavor, Beck, Bedder, Beeley, Beesley, Beesly, Belcher, Bend, Bennett, Bennit, Bennitt, Bentley, Bewfy, Bickly, Biggs, Birch, Bird, Blackford, Bloxam, Bollard, Bolstridge, Boncer, Bond, Bonser, Booth, Boukley, Bown, Bradbury, Bradley, Braithwaite, Bramley, Brandrick, Bray, Brentnall, Bridge, Brittan, Broadway, Bromfitt, Bromley, Brookes, Brown, Bryant, Buckler, Bucklin, Bucknal, Buckston, Budley, Bunney, Burbery, Burrows, Burton, Buswell, Butcher, Butlar, Butler, Buttery, Buttler, Buttrey, Buylin, Bye.

Cade, Camptin, Campton, Camwell, Capewell, Carey, Carpender, Cartlidge, Cater, Cator, Cattell, Chambers, Chaplain, Charles, Charnel, Cheatley, Childs, Choice, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clarridge, Cleaver, Clifford, Clifton, Cock, Cockbill, Coleman, College, Collins, Coltman, Compton, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cotton, Court, Cox, Cramp, Critchlow, Croft, Crow, Crutchloe, Crutchlow, Curtis.

Daft, Daniel, Danks, Darlison, Darlisson, Dashfield, Davis, Davy, Deman, Dewis, Divetts, Dixon, Docker, Dorron, Douglas, Dowell, Dowling, Drakeford, Duffey, Dunkley, Dunn, Dyer.

Eades, Eaton, Eaves, Edmans, Edmonds, Edwards, Efford, Ellmore, Ensley, Ensor, Evans, Eyley.

Farndon, Faulkner, Fawkes, Fennel, Fennell, Ferguson, Finch, FleckneyalsFlecknoe, Fletcher, Flint, Flowers, Ford, Forster, Foster, Fox, Francis, French, Frish, Friswell, Friswill, Frogett, Froggit.

Gardener, Garrat, Gascoigne, Gay, Gazey, Gent, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilifer, Goalby, Golby, Goodall, Goode, Goodman, Greasley, Green, Gronderidge, Grouderidge, Grove, Growdige.

Hacket, Hackett, Haddon, Hair, Hall, Hallam, Hallayday, Hammersley, Hanbury, Handcox, Hands, Hanley, Hanson, Harden, Harding, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harthill, Hartil, Hartop, Harvey, Hayward, Haywood, Headman, Healing, Heir, Hemming, Hemmings, Heritage, Hewit, Hewit[t], Hewitt, Heyward, Hiams, Hicklin, Higgenson, Higgins, Higginson, Hill, Hinson, Holland, Hollings, Hollis, Holmes, Hood, Hopkins, Horton, Howlett, Howlette, Hubbard, Huffa, Hunt, Hurst.

Iliffe, Ireland.

Jackson, Jaques, Jaquis, Jarvis, Jee, Jenkes, Jephcott, Jequis, Johnson, Jonas, Jones, Just.

Keen, Keene, Kelley, Kelly, Kenning, Kerby, Killingworth, Kinder, King, Kirkpatrick, Kitchen, Knight.

Lakin, Lapworth, Larrands, Lawrence, Leagas, Leatherland, Lee, Leigh, Lenton, Lewing/Lewin, Lewis, Linney, Linny, Little, Lole, Longfield, Longley, Lownds, Loyd, Lucas, Lucass, Lune, Lydall.

Macklein, MacMullin, Malibone, Mallibond, Manwaring, Marlow, Marriott, Marson, Martin, Masden, Mason, Masser, Massey, Mathews, Matthews, Mayor, Meek, Millerchip, Mills, Moor, Moore, Morris, Morriss, Muddiman, Muddyman, Mullins, Mumford, Murrell, Musgrave, Musson.

Nawle, Neal, Neale, Nevill, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicks, Nightingale, Norman.

Orton, Osborne, Oughton, Oxford.

Page, Paine, Panton, Parker, Pates, Patrick, Payne, Peak, Peake, Pears, Pearson, Peat, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Petty, Phillipps, Pickard, Pickering, Piercy, Pike, Pinchback, Pirkins, Pitts, Poole, Porter, Postin, Potts, Powell, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Proffit.

Ralley, Rally, Randle, Rason, Rawner, Rawson, Rayson, Reader, Redford, Reeder, Reeves, Rhyley, Richards, Richardson, Rile, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Ross, Rowe, Rowley, Royle, Royley, Royn, Russell, Ryley.

Satchwell, Savage, Scribner, Sharp, Shaw, Sherriff, Shilton, Shipman, Shrewsbury, Sidwell, Skelton, Slim, Slingsby, Smart, Smith, Sole, Southern, Southorn, Sparrow, Spencer, Spooner, Starkey, Starkie, Stean, Steward, Stone, Storer, Storton, Stuart[Steward], Suffolk, Swain, Swaine, Swift, Swinden, Swinfield, Swinnerton, Symkins.

Taillis, Talbut, Tallis, Taylor, Teds, Teest, Thomas, Thorpe, Tibbetts, Tidmarsh, Tinsley, Topp, Townsend, Townshend, Trussill, Truswell, Tunkiss, Turner, Tustin, Twiggar, Twigger, Tyler.


Vale, Veasey, Vesey, Vinemore.

Wade, Wadkins, Waggstaff, Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Wale, Walker, Ward, Warner, Warrands, Warren, Waters, Watkin, Watson, Watts, Webb, Wedge, Wells, Welton, West, Wetton, Whatley, Wheatley, Wheeton, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whittall, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willmore, Wilson, Wood, Woodcock, Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wormleighton, Worrad, Worralds, Wright.

Abbots, Acres, Akers, Allen, Allum, Andrews, Arborough, Arch, Archall, Archer, Arden, Arnet, Arnett, Arnitt, Arnol, Ashley, Aston, Atwell, Austin, Avery, Avrey.

Backas, Baddeley, Bailey, Baldercot, Ball, Band, Banford, Barkby, Barnitt, Barns, Barratt, Barrot, Barrott, Bartlet, Bassnet, Bates, Bathurst, Batkin, Batton, Baudycutt, Beasley, Beauchamp, Beddar, Bedder, Beeby, Beeley, Beely, Beesley, Beighton, Belcher, Bend, Bennet, Bennett, Bennitt, Benson, Berry, Betteridge, Bibbins, Bickley, Biddily, Biggs, Bindley, Bird, Bivins, Blackbond, Blackford, Blunt, Bolstridge, Bond, Bonner, Bonser, Boon, Bordycoat, Botterill, Bradbury, Bradley, Brindley, Brittain, Broadaway, Bromage, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Bryan, Buckly, Budworth, Bunney, Bunny, Burcatt, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Butcher, Butlar, Butler, Buttery, Buxton, Buycroft.

Cade, Camptin, Capel, Capewell, Carey, Carner, Cater, Caurser, Causer, Chamberlain, Charnel, Charnell, Cheerly, Chin, Chipman, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clarridge, Clay, Clifford, Cobb, Cockbill, Coise, Coleman, Colledge, College, Coltman, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Cowley, Cox, Coxton, Creton, Crew, Croft, Crofts, Cross, Crow, Crowshaw, Crutchloe, Crutchlow, Cruthloe.

Daffen, Dalton, Daniel, Darlinson, Darlison, Dashfield, Davenport, Davis, Deaman, Devile, Dewis, Diall, Docker, Dowel, Dowell, Drakeford, Dry.

Edman, Edmands, Edward, Edwards, Elson, Evans, Everson.

Farndon, Farr, Fennell, Fitchett, Fletcher, Florence, Ford, Fowler, Francis, French, Friswell, Froggit.

Gadsby, Garratt, Geary, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gillott, Gladin, Golby, Gomery, Goode, Goodman, Goodyer, Gothard, Goward, Greatrex, Green, Greggory, Grice, Griffin, Groudage.

Hackett, Haddon, Hadley, Hall, Halliday, Hamersly, Hammersley, Hammond, Hammonly, Hancox, Hand, Hands, Hargrove, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartlet, Hartop, Hartopp, Harvey, Hastelow, Hatton, Hawkins, Hayward, Haywood, Heathcock, Heir, Hemmings, Hence, Hewit, Hewitt, Heyward, Heywood, Hichling, Hicklin, Hier, Higginson, Highton, Hilditch, Hill, Hillditch, Hinson, Hitchins, Hobson, Hodson, Holland, Holmes, Holtam, Hopkins, Horne, How, Howell, Howlette, Hubbard, Hubbards, Hudson, Hughes, Humpheris, Hurst, Hutchin.

Illiff, Ireland, Ison.

Jackson, Jaques, Jarvis, Jenkins, Jephcott, Jequis, Johnson, Jones.

Keen, Kelley, Kennard, Kerby, Killingworth, Kimberley, Kinder, King, Kirby, Kirkham, Kirkpatrick, Knight.

Lakin, Lane, Lapworth, Lawrence, Leaband, Leabon, Leagas, Leagus, Leatherhead, Lee, Leeband, Leicester, Lenton, Lester, Lewis, Leybourne, Ligbourne, Liggins, Lily, Lindop, Linney, Linny, Linthwait, Longton, Lovet, Loydall, Lucas, Lucass, Lydall, Lydel.

Manley, March, Marcurum, Marlow, Marsden, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Matts, Meek, Meeks, Mellowchip, Millerchip, Millet, Mills, Moor, Moore, Morris, Mountford, Muddiman, Murfey.

Neal, Neale, Newton, Nicholas, Nichols, Nixon, Nobles, Nourse, Nurse.

Oldham, Oliver, Onely, Orton, Overton, Owen.

Page, Paget, Pallet, Palmer, Panton, Parker, Parsefor, Parson, Parten, Patchet, Paul, Payne, Payson, Peak, Peake, Pearcey, Pears, Peats, Peers, Pegg, Perkins, Phillips, Pickard, Pickering, Pickwill, Piercy, Pignut, Pink, Pitt, Plant, Platt, Pollard, Poltney, Pool, Porter, Powell, Powers, Prasnell, Pratt, Price, Priest, Proctor, Pursels.

Ralley, Rally, Randall, Randle, Rason, Rathbone, Rayson, Reader, Reading, Reed, Reeder, Rewbottom, Reynor, Rhine, Richards, Richardson, Richman, Rickard, Ridge, Riley, Robards, Robbinson, Roberts, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowley, Russell.

Sands, Satchwell, Savage, Scavington, Sedgley, Sergeant, Serjeant, Sharp, Shaw, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shelton, Shett, Shilton, Shipman, Sidwell, Simmons, Simons, Simpson, Simson, Smith, Soubrian, Southern, Southorn, Sparrow, Spencer, Spires, Spooner, Sprigg, Staples, Starkey, Stead, Steel, Stees, Steventon, Steward, Storah, Storey, Stuart, Suffolk, Sutton, Swadkins, Swaine.

Talbutt, Tallis, Taylor, Tebetts, Tendall, Thomas, Thorpe, Tibbets, Tiece, Tilly, Townly, Townsend, Townshend, Truelo, Truswell, Truswwell, Turner, Turnfield, Turvey, Twigg, Twiggar, Twigger.


Vale, Vernon, Vicars, Vinson.

Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wakefield, Wale, Walker, Ward, Warden, Wardle, Warner, Warrant, Warren, Waterman, Watson, Watts, Webb, Wedge, Wells, Welton, West, Westwood, Wetton, Wheatley, Wheatly, Whetstone, Whing, Whitcroft, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whorrad, Wilkes, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wood, Woodcock, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woolly, Wordle, Wormlaton, Wormleton, Worrands, Worrants, Wright.

Yearn, Young.

?Blaker, ?Grocmaton, ?Groon, ?Hilley, ?Horsley, ?Peberdy, ?Pircy, ?Simtin, ?Vannark, ??Voguabb.

Akers, Allson, Allsop, Anderson, Arch, Archer, Arnett, Ashby, Ashley, Ashton.

Baddeley, Baddely, Baddily, Badley, Bailey, Ballard, Band, Banford, Barkby, Barnard, Barns, Barrett, Barrs, Barton, Baston, Batcheldor, Batchelor, Bates, Batley, Bayley, Beauchamp, Beddar, Bedder, Beeby, Beesley, Beesly, Bellamy, Bend, Bennet, Bennett, Bennitt, Bevins, Bewfy, Bickley, Biggs, Bills, Bingham, Bird, Bivins, Blockley, Bloxam, Boddicot, Bollards, Bolstridge, Boncer, Bond, Bone, Bonner, Bonser, Bonzr, Booth, Bouckley, Boughtley, Boukley, Bown, Bradbury, Bramley, Bree, Broadway, Bromly, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Buckley, Buckly, Buckmal, Bucknal, Bull, Bunbury, Bunney, Bunny, Burrows, Burton, Butcher, Butlar, Butler, Buxton.

Camphen, Capel, Capewell, Carey, Carr, Carter, Cary, Cater, Cateridge, Cator, Chamberlin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chapliss, Clark, Clarke, Clifford, Cock, Cockbill, Cocknill, Coleman, Colledge, College, Collins, Congreve, Congrive, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Copson, Corbett, Cotton, Court, Cox, Crafts, Cratirn, Croft, Crofts, Crosby, Crosley, Crutchloe, Crutchlow, Cruthclow, Cuthiert.

Dalton, Daniel, Dann, Darlison, Darlisson, Darlyson, Dashfield, Daulton, Davies, Davis, Deaman, Decker, Dewis, Dial, Diall, Dickinson, Dickson, Docker, Douglas, Dowell, Drakeford, Drakeforde, Dry, Duffkins, Duffy, Dunckley, Dunkley, Dunning.

Eades, Eaton, Ebury, Edmands, Edmans, Edmons, Edwards, Elley, Elliott, Ensley, Essex, Evans, Everson.

Farndon, Fenell, Fennel, Fillet, Fitchett, Flowers, Floyd, Forks, Foss, Foster, Fowkes, French, Friswell, Frogget, Froggett, Froggit, Fron.

Garnet, Garratt, George, Gibbard, Gibson, Gilbert, Gillifer, Gilliot, Gilson, Gledhill, Goalby, Godfrey, Golby, Goldby, Goode, Goodman, Goodyer, Grant, Green, Grimmet, Guy.

Haddon, Hadley, Hair, Hale, Hall, Hallum, Hamersley, Hammersley, Hammersly, Hammond, Hammonly, Hanbury, Hands, Hardiman, Harding, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrisson, Harry, Hartop, Hartshorn, Hartup, Harve, Harvey, Haswell, Hatton, Hayes, Haymes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazeldine, Hazledine, Heatherley, Heir, Henderson, Hewiett, Hewit, Hewitt, Heyward, Heywood, Hicklin, Hickling, Hier, Higginson, Hill, Hillditch, Hinch, Hitchings, Hodgets, Holley, Hollis, Holmes, Hood, Hopkins, Howlett, Howlette, Hubbard, Hudson, Humphries.

Iliff, Ireland.

Jackson, Jams, Jaques, Jaquis, Jee, Jephcott, Jequis, Jewis, Johnson, Jones, Joyce, Kelley, Kellingworth, Kelsey, Kerby, Killingworth, Kinder, King, Kirby, Knight, Knowles.

Lakin, Lancaster, Langley, Larrens, Lea, Lee, Leet, Lenton, Lewin, Lewings, Liggers, Liggins, Linney, Linny, Lole, Loydall, Lucas, Lucass, Luckman, Lydall.

Maggs, Malabone, Manlie, Marlow, Marson, Marston, Marstone, Martin, Marton, Mason, Matherss, Matthews, Meek, Mellichip, Micklewright, Millar, Miller, Millerchip, Montgomery, Moor, Moore, Morris, Morriss, Morton, Motteram, Mottram, Murrel.

Nash, Neal, Neale, Newbold, Newton, Nicholas, Nichols, Nickells, Nicklin, Noble, Norris.

Orton, Oughton, Owen.

Page, Paget, Paine, Palmer, Parish, Parker, Parkins, Parr, Parrish, Parsons, Patchet, Patrick, Paul, Peak, Peake, Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Peat, Pemberton, Perkin, Perkins, Perrins, Perry, Pickard, Pickering, Piercy, Piggott, Pinches, Piper, Pirkins, Pitt, Plant, Polford, Pool, Porter, Powers, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Puncher.

Ralley, Randall, Randell, Randle, Rason, Rayner, Raynor, Rayson, Reader, Reed, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Rock, Rogers, Ross, Rowley, Rowny, Royle, Royley, Russell.

Sanders, Savage, Sephton, Shaw, Sheldon, Shelton, Shilton, Shipman, Showell, Siddown, Sidway, Sidwell, Skelton, Slingsby, Smith, Southorn, Sparrow, Spencer, Standly, Stean, Steward, Stock, Stokes, Storer, Storton, Suffolk, Swain, Swaine, Swinfen, Swinfield, Swinnerton, Syms.

Talbot, Taller, Tallis, Taylor, Thompson, Thorp, Tibbetts, Timbrell, Tinsley, Tomas, Tomlinson, Topp, Townsend, Townshend, Truswell, Tunkiss, Turner, Tustin, Twig, Twigg, Twiggar, Twigger.


Wade, Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wakelin, Wale, Walker, Ward, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warrens, Wedge, West, Whatham, Wheatley, Wheatly, Whetton, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whittall, Whittem, Wilders, Wilkinson, Willcox, Willday, Williams, Williamsen, Williamson, Wilson, Winrow, Wolf, Wood, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wordle, Wormlaton, Wormleighton, Worrand, Worth, Wright, Wyke, Wykes,

Currently the following transcription is online:

1876 - 1884 This Index full listing Full Listing

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